Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

Grandma's visit

So Nina's grandma came to visit and they instantly became best friends.
In the first days Nina would lay on mom's feet no matter where she was, standing or sitting, in the house.
In the car she would be in the backseat but put her front legs in between the driver and passenger's seat to have her face close to mom's. Then she started resting her paw on mom's shoulder while I drove. Pretty cute.
I did wake up one day to the sight of Nina sleeping with mom in her bed. Mom swears it was just for a little bit that morning.
Note that Nina also touches mom's foot with hers

This is 

This is my favorite: they were looking at a squirrel!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Nina has been playing a bunch with the neighborhood dogs. Here she's getting down with her BFF Georgi Blu and a pug puppy, Charlie!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Got back in town this sunday and went straight from the airport to Nina's hotel to pick her up! She was very happy to see me. But mom came back from Brazil with me to visit and she has a thing with dogs, they all love her. I think she was a liver treat in her past life. Or maybe a bully stick (sorry, mom!). :)
So Nina is following her around the house and laying on her feet when she's in the kitchen or even on the bar stool. I may be second best for a week or two. Haha.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Missing Nina

Left Nina for the first time for a longer trip. She is staying with my friend Christina (Saint Chris) and the last few days she will be at wag a lot.

I miss her so much! It's been 5 days!

Nina rests after a walk at Christina's house