Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Nina has been doing well. But definitely being 'herself' more now that she's used to her new house. She is less of the mellow puppy and a little more alpha dog at times. But still, as long as she gets enough exercise, she is perfect! No more accidents at home either. She had very few, which is great.

She's been playing off the leash at the park. Her best friends are Babette and Mish Mish. She likes taking Babbete by the leash for a walk. It's pretty funny. I will add a video soon. She also loves this black lab Milly who is a neighbor and we just met a new girl, Tosca and they played well together too!

Now we're treating her little eye infection (probably from scratching herself in the head and hit her eye) and also still treating the skin thingy. She is really good about taking her medicine, especially the eye drops, that is actually a pomade.

Nina off leash in the hallway. Only she was hesitating coming with us.